I must confess, I was terrified to write these blogs and the story of Ubuntu. Self-doubt, legitimacy, and Ms. Neiman’s creative writing class all conjure up feelings of inadequacies as I considered the conversation I wanted to share with you.
“Would You Rather …”
Have you ever played the picture card game “Would You Rather…” where your given two choices to select from some pretty obscure ideas (as in the picture above – would you rather wear your grandma’s wardrobe or wear a king
Courageously Kind
Have you ever had a moment when someone unexpectedly came alongside you through a difficult situation, and it was the game changer in your strength, possibly the outcome? I reckon most of us can recall such a moment and can
Hello, I’m back!
In November 2016 I shared my delight in finding the word Ubuntu. In closing that post I committed to explore (which I have) and share (which I did not) my findings. And while I feel compelled to explain myself and
Write Your Story
A former colleague at Department of Social & Health Services shared her mantra “write your story” with me. I can’t let go of it. The big idea: we make hundreds of subconscious choices daily in response to our environment and